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April 2017 

Course materials and assignments from April are listed below. 

Big Ideas

Cause and consequence: Why do events happen and what are their impacts? 


Slides from April 10th 

An introduction to the Atlantic Revolutions of the 18th century 

Just how revolutionary were the Atlantic Revolutions? 

SAT and ACT testing April 11th, 12th

Slides from April 13th 

Review of Colonialism and a close look at the Haitian Revolution


Slides from April 17-18th 

Causes and Consequences of Atlantic Revolutions; Continuity and Change in Atlantic Revolutions

Atlantic Revolutions Graphic Organizer

What were the multiple causes and consequences of the Atlantic Revolutions? 

What changed ad what stayed the same in the wake of the Atlantic Revolutions? To what degree? For who?

Slides from April 19th-20th

Latin American Revolutions and working on essays 

Revolution Essay due at 10:25 am on April 25th (See Prompt and Rubric) -->

For more information about the Latin American Revolutions of the 19th century, click this link 

Below are links to the readings that we went over as a class

Overview of the Atlantic Revolutions 

Connecting the American and Haitian Revolutions 

French Revolution Part 1

French Revolution Part 2 

Haitian Revolution 

Slides from April 21st 

Napoleon's place in history 

Slides April 24-25th 

Industrial Revolution 

How should we remember Napoleon Bonaparte? What is his place and significance in World History?

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England and not China? To what degree was the Industrial Revolution a good or a bad thing? For whom?

slides from April 26th 

Truffle-hunting: Conditions in Textile Factories in Great Britain 

slides from April 27th and 28th 

19th Century Imperialism in Asia and Africa

Industrialization and Imperialism

China's Century of Humiliation 

Opium War, Taiping and Boxer Rebellions

How are Industrialization and Imperialism linked? How closely did the explanations of Imperialism correspond with the actual motivations? 

slides from May 1st 

Forming the concept of nationalism 

What are the roots nationalism? What are the attributes of a nation? 

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