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February 2017

Slides from February 2nd 

Document Based Question, working with primary sources to dig deeper into historical questions

Big Ideas

What drove the sugar trade? What can a case study teach us about the big picture?

What is religion? How have scholars attempted to define religion? 

What did ancient Chinese philosophers think was the ideal form of government?

What are the teachings of the Buddha? What is the place of Buddhism in World History? How is Buddhism similar and different to other religions?

slides from February 13th and 14th 

Religion and Violence: A critical look at the Crusades 

What is the historical significance of the Crusades? To what degree does religion cause violence?

"By focusing one's attention on the apparently intolerant, dogmatic, and socially disharmonious aspects of...'the religions', our attention is distracted away from asking deeper, structural questions about violence as a condition of 'everyday' life and about the involvement of human beings in the performance of such a way that effectively insulates the institutional forms, organizations, and ideologies that govern modern ('secular') life from critical interrogation." 

Richard King 


February 20th-24th

Rest up and enjoy!

slides from February 27th and 28th

Scientific Revolution 

What is a paradigm shift? Why are people often threatened by paradigm shifts? What is the structure of Scientific Revolutions? Was there science before the Scientific Revolution?

slides from March 1st

The Enlightenment 

What is the historical significance of the [Atlantic] Enlightenment? Why do some ideas go viral? Was the Enlightenment for everyone? 

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